Monday, November 25, 2019

M. C. Escher essays

M. C. Escher essays M. C. Escher was born in 1898. He was born in a small suburb outside a southern town in the Netherlands. he was greatly known for his surreal artwork done between 1930-1970. M. C. Escher's artwork could play tricks with the human eye. many of his artwork was used by scientist. They marveled at his logic and used his work to prove their theories. Some of his drawings could not be physically made, which added a sight twist to modern day art. M. C. Escher had his own unique style of art. Using mostly black and white he created amazing masterpieces. His favorite style of artwork was mind games and optical illusions. the general mood one gets when gazing at the artwork is an overall theme of confusion. However, there is no hidden meaning in this artwork. Queen Wilhelmina ruled over the Netherlands while Escher was alive. She then gave her throne to her daughter Juliana. M. C. did not have a sponsor, he had to provide for himself through the good times and the bad. he was very well received during his lifetime and people bred his artwork. M. C. Escher's father was a civil engineer. When Escher was very young his parents discovered he had a talent for drawing. So he went to school to study at the school of Architecture and Decorative arts in Harlem. he gave this up when he was 21 years old because he only wanted to focus on art. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Management and Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Management and Leadership - Essay Example improving the morales of the one single employee or setting the direction for the whole new philosophy of the company,transformational leadership is about to make everyone’s life better. Research suggest that transformational leaders are ranked higher in their effectiveness and financial success besidies gaining enormous employee and customer loyalty. (Armstrong, 1996). However this transformational leadership itself depends upon the level of inspiration of the leader thus inspiration is considered as the essential component of the transformational leadership model. Follower development and follower building is the key to the success of transformational leadership thus it is very important that the leader must have a charimsatic personality. (Dvir, Eden, & Shamir, 2002). Further it is also believed that the transformational leadership has a very strong correlation with the peroformance of the organisation because since the employees get themselves acquinted with the leadership therefore the element of high performance come by itself and people start to associate themselves with the organisation and leadership in more better and fuller way. The evolution of management over the period of time suggest that the monetary benefits now have a very minor impact on the motivation of the employees and that the inspiration and willingness to get the personal satisfaction out of one’s work are now more dominating factors as for as the performance is concerned. The shift from the industrial to service orientation of the organisations neccessiated for the organisations to build strong relationships in order to sucessed. The interdependence of the resources including people and organisation therefore is now a very vital ingredient for the success and development of the organisations. Within this context, for nursing to enjoy a more longer term and better future, it is necessary that a transformational leadership shall come forward to take over the reins of this

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Decision Making with Managerial Accounting Case Study

Decision Making with Managerial Accounting - Case Study Example In other words, managerial accounting is referred to as the internal business-developing role of finance and accounting professionals who plan, implement and manage the internal systems, which encourage effective decisions, thereby supporting and controlling the value creating activities of an organization (Ioana-Diana, 2014). Managerial accounting is aimed at providing financial and non-financial information to managers, so as to help them make the best decisions. It facilitates effective internal decision making that is primarily focused on planning and controlling purposes. The type of decisions taken by managers depends heavily on the accounting information available to them. Given the fact that financial accounting data does not provide sufficient detail for internal decisions, it must be broken down to further details, regarding individual services and products offered by the company. Not only do managers need to be aware of the cost of a service or product, but they also need the cost information to be broken into intricate details of smaller components, that will enable them to conduct ‘what if’ analysis and thus, predict the future. The types of decisions that managers more often than not are supposed to make are regarding pricing a particular or a group of products, dropping a produ ct or product line, purchase of new resources by replacing the old ones, assessing the performance of managers and divisions of an organization and sometimes, making instead of purchasing a product. Therefore, this suggests that the two fundamental utilities of managerial accounting are planning and controlling. Both the factors mentioned in the statement above help managers to accomplish fluent decision making (UNF, n.d. ). The principal role of managerial accountant is to record financial information within the financial statements of a company, which is utilized by the management team of the organization to

Monday, November 18, 2019

Speciation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Speciation - Essay Example These two processes  led to  the behavioural speciation between Sciuirus apbios and Sciuirus vulgaris. Allopatric speciation was a consequence of the geographic isolation of the Caribbean Sea. Initially, St. Kitts and Nevis were a single island and there only existed one squirrel species. However, there was the divergence of the initial island, and there emerged two small islands that contained different species of the first squirrel species. The diagram below best describes allopatric speciation: The bottleneck effect occurs when excessive tourism and development creates a genetic drift between animals of the same species. In this case, there was a volcanic eruption in St. Kitts that killed an enormous population of the squirrel population. The explosion led to massive loss of alleles in the genetic pool of St. Kitts rodents. Consequently, Sciuirus apbios evolved differently from Sciuirus vulgaris. The image below best describes the bottleneck effect: †¢ Sciuirus vulgaris has an average gestation period of 29.3 days compared to Sciuirus apbios that have a gestation period of 42.7 days. The difference in the gestation periods of the two species is significant enough to prevent successful reproduction. In conclusion, the emergence of Sciuirus apbios is a result of the divergence of the Sciuirus vulgaris population as a result of allopatric speciation and the bottleneck effect (Wolff & Sherman,

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Symbolic Interactionism Blumer

Symbolic Interactionism Blumer The essence of society lies in an ongoing process of action- not in a posited structure of relations -Blumer, 1969,(p.71) Although symbolic interaction theory is often applied primarily to the micro level, the structuring of interdependent lines of behavior at the meso and macro levels also involves shared definitions developed through interaction. The overall culture of a society is the objective outcome of these shared social definitions whereby subjective meanings are created, often expressed in material artifacts of various types, and either sustained or transformed through interaction. Symbolic Interaction-Process Versus Structure Many of the core ideas of symbolic interaction theory are grounded in the pioneering work of George Herbert Mead, particularly his perspective regarding the close relationship between the mental processes whereby people make sense of their environment and their interaction with one another. This relationship is manifested in the patterns of collaboration among people as they seek to develop shared interpretations of the situations they face. It is also reflected in how ones self-concept develops through awareness of the perspectives of others. In addition, contemporary symbolic interaction theory draws on Charles Horton Cooleys analysis of how ones feelings about oneself (pride or shame, for example) reflect ones sensitivity to the positive or negative reactions of others, especially in primary group settings. This is consistent with his often-cited concept of the looking-glass self. Symbolic interaction theory is comparable in some ways to Georg Simmels focus on the forms of interaction, but symbolic interaction theory goes deeper than Simmels perspective in emphasizing the symbolic medium through which interaction takes place plus the subjective mental processes that accompany it. This focus on the subjective level may be compared to Webers emphasis on understanding the subjective meanings of individuals actions. But while Weber moved well beyond the level of individual actions and subjective meanings to deal with broad patterns of institutional and cultural change, many symbolic interactionists resemble Simmel in their strong micro-level focus. Human beings relate to one another and to their environment in terms of interdependent roles they create and sustain. At the center of this process are the self-concepts or identities of the individuals involved as they interact and adjust to one another in face-to-face encounters. Human beings are thus transformed into students and teachers, friends and lovers, husbands and wives, team players and college graduates, customers and sales people, celebrities and deviants, soldiers and social workers, lawyers and police officers, members and outsiders, and so on. Social definitions are crucial even for defining the meaning and social relevance of human beings biological characteristics, such as sex, age, and weight, for example. The socially contrived character of large-scale institutional structures may not be as obvious as in small group relationships or childrens micro-level play worlds, but macro level social institutions are also socially constructed through widely shared subjectiv e definitions that are developed and sustained through interaction. This implies that when subjective definitions and interpretations undergo widespread change, institutional transformation may occur, which then changes the context of subsequent interactions at the micro level. The divisions between micro, meso, and macro levels of analysis are not rigid distinctions. From r various micro-level social circles, networks of social relations extend outward, thus providing an opening to meso and macro levels of the social world. The heritage one share as members of society also includes enduring cultural products and artifacts that have been constructed or reproduced by countless other people far beyond the range of ones own limited social circles or personal knowledge. Language obviously transcends personal micro-level social settings, even though language is actually reproduced regularly in the context of face-to-face interaction as well as in mass media communication. Even ones adaptation to the objective physical reality of the natural world (like the food one eats) is mediated through the symbols used to define and interpret it. All symbolic interactionists emphasize the micro-level linkages between the subjective consciousnesses, interpersonal interaction, and identity formation, as well as the symbolic and socially constructed nature of the larger social world. Symbolic interaction theory today differs from the pioneering social behaviorism emphasized by Mead in the early part of the twentieth century. Blumers Theorey: Symbolic interaction theory, under the influence of Herbert Blumer, was in large part a critical reaction to macro level types of analysis, particularly as reflected in functional theory, and the strong emphasis on the notion that peoples behavior is largely determined by social structures. For symbolic interaction theorists, the strong emphasis on culturally scripted norms and institutionalized roles was misplaced. This focus seemed to leave little room for individuals to make choices or to improvise as they interpret and adjust to the specific situations they face. For symbolic interactionists social structures do not exist as an objective reality that is independent of the actions of its human participants. Instead, all aspects of the social world are negotiated, constructed, and reproduced or sometimes transformed through ongoing processes of interaction and subjective interpretation whereby people mutually shape one anothers perceptions, definitions, and responses to their envir onment. Within this general framework, several different areas of emphasis can be identified within symbolic interaction theory. Symbolic interactionist perspective serves as a general framework for role theory, reference group theory, analyses of social perception and person perception, self theory, and dramaturgic theory. Of the various versions of symbolic interactionism, Herbert Blumers (1962) perspective expressed the strongest skepticism regarding macro-level theories such as functionalism. As he put it: By and large, of course, sociologists do not study human society in terms of its acting units, instead, they are disposed to view human society in terms of structure or organization and to treat social action as an expression of such structure or organization. Thus, reliance is placed on such structural categories as social system, culture, norms, values, social stratification, status position, social roles and institutional organization. (Blumer, pp.188-189 in Rose, ed. 1962) Blumer coined the term symbolic interaction and promoted Meads strong emphasis on the interrelated processes of mutual role-taking, interaction, and subjective interpretation that occur as people adjust their actions to one another in dealing with the particular situations they face. This emphasis on the need for people to improvise their responses to their environment and to one another seems to downplay the habits and memories that individuals bring to situations that they encounter over and over. It also seems to push the cultural and institutional framework that might influence their interpretations into the background. Even though social organization, culture, roles, and other structural features of the social world may not determine peoples behavior in a strong sense, such features may nevertheless be taken into consideration, especially in familiar situations. When people repeatedly face similar types of situations, they may employ ready-made responses with only a minimal amou nt of negotiation or reflection. This does not mean that social organization determines peoples behavior as an external force. It does suggest, however, that patterns of interaction and interpretation are not always as fluid as Blumer seems to suggest. People do indeed sometimes face novel situations that are unstructured and ambiguous and so will need to make a conscious effort to make sense of them as they explore with one another how to cope. In other situations, they may each have their own distinctive ideas on how to respond and so will need to negotiate their differences. But in many routine situations they already share an implicit understanding of its salient features and know how to respond. This means that very little negotiation is required if any. Regardless of these variations, patterns of social organization, including written rules and established authority or power structures, are never automatically self-enforcing. Instead, these structural factors become relevant only to the extent that people remember them and decide how to apply them. Sometimes there may be discussion and debate regarding whether or how an established rule or custom should apply. If there are large differences in power and authority, the negotia tion actually may be quite minimal, as those with relatively less power realize the futility of trying to get those with greater power to see things their way. By pushing social organization, culture, and similar concepts that transcend particular situations into the background, and by emphasizing the fluid and indeterminate nature of the immediate social world, Blumers approach makes it difficult to establish principles of social behavior that apply across different situations or to move from the micro to the macro level. However, other symbolic interaction theorists give more emphasis to stable structural categories than Blumer did. These structural influences do not determine behavior from the outside, as external or objective forces, however; instead, they are encoded in individuals subjective consciousness and shared memories and expectations. Although they may be interpreted to apply in unique ways in different situations, they are nevertheless reflected in participants predispositions regarding how to respond to the specific situations they face. The contrast between Blumers view of the fluid and undetermined nature of the social world versus a more structural version of symbolic interaction theory can be illustrated through the process whereby individuals self-concepts are developed, maintained, and changed. The relation between individuals self-concepts or identities, their social roles, and the reactions of others can be traced back to the pioneering work of Mead and Cooley. Contemporary symbolic interactionist theory offers several different strategies for exploring how individuals self-concepts or identities are expressed through the different roles they perform. The following section will deal in more detail with the relation between peoples role performances and their identities. Blumers image of the fluid and negotiated character of the social world implies that identities and social roles are not fixed but instead are largely improvised in each encounter as individuals seek to align their own self-concepts and intentions with the expectations of others. In contrast to Blumer, a more structural version of symbolic interaction theory puts greater emphasis on the standardized and routine expectations and behaviors of various roles. With this alternative focus social life is viewed as having a higher level of predictability than implied in Blumers perspective, especially in routine situations. Although behavior is not determined by social roles, with no room for individual variations, this structural version is closer to the conventional forms of sociological analysis that Blumer criticized. While roles may not be scripted in detail, there are definite guidelines and expectations that people tend to follow. Peoples self-concepts are multidimensional. They may r eflect roles associated with various personal characteristics as well as with the social positions they occupy. These roles include, for example, those associated with gender, age, family status, occupation, race or ethnicity, residential location, leisure time pursuits, general lifestyle preferences, and so on. Such roles are likely to be partially structured by general cultural expectations as well as by specific expectations that develop among people who interact on a regular basis. Even so, there is room for considerable improvisation in most cases as individuals express their own unique individuality and seek to satisfy their current needs and concerns. There are three fundamental premises underlying a symbolic interactionist perspective; and it is to Blumers great credit that these premises receive emphasis in his work. All are in fact central to Meads arguments, even while none of them originates with Mead. The first of these premises holds that an adequate account of human behavior must incorporate the perspective of the actor and cannot rest entirely on the perspective of the observer alone. The second of these premises asserts the priority of social interaction and the derivative, emergent nature of both self and social organization from that social process. The third argues that self, or persons reflexive responses to themselves, serves to link larger societal processes to the social interactions of those persons. The first and last of these premises contain between them the justification for insisting that socially formed meanings that are aspects of the subjective experience of persons are not only legitimately but are necessarily part of observers accounts of the social behavior of human beings. Contrary to Blumers position would be the emergent character of social life as well as ignoring the reality in experience of the dialectical relationship of what Mead called the I and the me. However, working from Blumers perspective on these matters does not require that one must retreat to phenomenologies of individual minds, or forgo attempts to develop theoretical explanations of social life that have some general applicability. If one accepts interaction as the source and substance of society, i.e., accepting the foundational character of the social process, it will surely be the acceptance of Blumers emphasis on the emergent character of self and social organization. This acceptance in turn implies the recognition of some degree of indeterminacy in attempts to foresee what will be from what is at any given moment of that social process. Further, such indeterminacy is principled and not merely a recognition of the incompleteness or inadequacy of present knowledge. The central role of self in mediating the relationship of social process and social behavior, one of the basic premises of symbolic interactionist thought whose emphasis in Blumers work need to be emphasized. Without invoking a concept such as self, attempts to come to grips with obvious variability of persons behavior in the face of apparent constancy of circumstance-biological, ecological, cultural, or social-are likely to founder similarly in a complementary way the concept of self permits dealing with that variability in specifically social terms. Meta-theoretical Conceptions of Blumer: The metatheoretical ideas proclaim the impossibility of general, predictive sociological theory as a consequence of the centrality of meanings and definitions in the production of human behavior. For Blumer, all social life is actively constructed by participants in the very process of interaction itself because this micro-constructivist process is taken to be descriptive of social life in general, it is also taken to be descriptive of the meanings and the interpretations applying those meanings assumed to be critical for each next step in the processes of interaction. Meanings in that sense are truly emergents, subject to literally continuous reformulation on a moment-to-moment basis. If meanings are indeed central, and if meanings are constructed in and particular to the experience of individual actors, emergent from their ongoing experience, it follows for Blumer that the generality required of the predictive, theoretical concepts in terms of which theoretical arguments are couche d cannot exist. Preexistent concepts cannot match the emergent interpretations of actors constructing their lines of social interaction. Given all of this, Blumer concludes, sociology can expect to be able to develop after-the-fact understandings of behaviors that have occurred, but cannot anticipate the development of general explanatory sociological theory in a predictive sense. Methodological consequences of Blumer: His metatheoretical argument has methodological consequences. For one thing, it implies the futility of a research enterprise that is initiated by a priori theory, or that anticipates behavioral outcomes via hypotheses arrived at deductively from such theory. For another, it suggests that research methods that fail to focus directly upon actors interpretations by setting up prior procedural or substantive constraints on how issues are formulated or are attacked-experimentation and survey research methods are cases in point-necessarily lack va1idity and the capacity to generate meaningful data. And for yet another, it underwrites the condemnation of the application of mathematical or statistical manipulations of data in efforts to draw from those data their sociological implications, on the grounds that numerical data are necessarily bereft of the meanings that define the essential character of sociological phenomena. Thus along with denying the possibility of explanatory sociological theory, Blumer severely restricts the legitimate range of investigatory (data gathering) techniques as well as analytic methods.Apparently, in his own mind only participatory observation meets his strictures but even that method would not survive a thorough logical analysis of its fit to Blumers methodological arguments. It is important to note that Blumers ideas which are fundamental to defining symbolic interactionism do not necessarily lead to the metatheoretical and methodological ends at which he himself arrives. Actors perspectives, the definitions of situations they call into play that are critical to the course and the content of interaction, are not unconstrained. Both the meanings those are possible to invoke in the course of defining situations, as well as the particular meanings from the range of possible meanings that are likely to be invoked, are not random events. They are, on the contrary, subject to the constraints of extant social and cultural systems. Further, there is some reasonable stability over time to the meanings attached to social objects. For practical purposes these do not change willy-nilly or from moment to moment in a way that signifies great change in behavioral outcomes. If there were no such stability, if meanings did not in general entail relative constancy from mo ment to moment, from day to day, even from year to year, there is no way that social life could have the predictability that enables people to live their lives as they do. The fact that meanings can change radically and precipitously does not argue that in general they do change radically and precipitously. This implies that one can indeed formulate general statements or theoretical propositions that go beyond the phenomenologies of single individuals, statements or propositions that are not subject to a priori rejection, whatever their fate may be at the hands of empirical evidence. To recognize that social life is constructed via definitional or interpretive processes and that there are few limits on what constructions are possible does not require one to abjure reasonably strong predictions, or to anticipate that predictions, when based on solid theoretical grounds, will lack credibility or validity. Neither does it obviate the recognition that the social process sometimes, perhaps even frequently, crystallizes and stabilizes in a manner that permits the theoretical recognition of selves and social structures that they themselves operate to constrai n and limit the possibilities for emergence in social life, that operate to transform possibilities into probabilities. Substantive ideas in Blumer: In substantive terms, it is Blumers treatment or lack thereof of social organization and social structure are both nonessential and highly problematic. For Blumer, society consists of the congeries of lines of individual action, the fitting together of these lines. Individual action is a matter of persons guiding their own action by interpreting the significance of things for that prospective action; group action is a matter of aligning individual action through a process of role-taking, i.e., searching out the meaning of others acts by ascertaining what they are doing or intend to do (Blumer 1969, p. 8). Social organization and social structures enter action only by shaping situations and providing the symbols used in interpreting situations, only as they enter into the process of interpretation and definition out of which joint actions are formed; and, in any event, they are less important in modern society than in stabilized, settled societies precisely because in the former there are fewer situations calling for previously regularized and standardized actions. Conclusion There obviously exist a number of very different senses of what symbolic interaction is substantively and what it implies methodologically. The problem is not that these different senses exist; the problem rather lies in the artificial and unnecessary oppositions among them created by the polemics that have historically characterized the literature of symbolic interactionism-the polemics of social movements and embattled minorities, the polemics that define orthodoxies and heterodoxies in seeking to recruit adherents to the banner being waved by the pure. The fact of multiplicity of alternative viewpoints in itself is healthy: self-control, choice, freedom and various other good things spring from alternatives symbolically represented in human experience. But multiplicity of views can be unhealthy if there is no communication across differences, if either structural or cognitive barriers prevent the alternatives from in fact entering the experience of persons, for then each person be comes the prisoner of his or her preferred -perspective. One is then used by perspectives rather than using them and the perspectives themselves are likely to ossify, to become unquestioned Truths and not potentially fallible ideas subject to logical and empirical examination and reformulation.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Gothic vs. Romanesque Architecture Essay -- Architectural Style Buildi

Gothic vs. Romanesque Architecture Missing Figures Where are you when you wake up? Where are you when you are learning? Where are you when you go to pray? Where are you when you go to work? Where are you when you are having fun? The answer is that you are in a building or structure of some kind and style. All of the buildings and structures that one sees around them is designed and built with much thought and care. They are all designed and built by what we call architecture. According to Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary architecture is â€Å"the art or science of building; specifically: the art or practice of designing and building structures and especially habitable ones, a method or style of building†. Architecture is a science according to Merriam-Webster because it is â€Å"a department of systematized knowledge as an object of study, something that may be studied or learned like systematized knowledge† . This can be seen as that buildings and structures have certain rule and laws that apply to them when they are design, constructed and inhabited. Architecture is an art according to Merriam-Webster because it is â€Å"the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects† . This can be seen as that buildings and structures do not only follow form and function but expression and feeling. Architecture has basically three steps. They are design, construction, and usage of the space or how the space is inhabited. Architecture is to building or structure as literature is to a book or novel.  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Over the course of western history there has been many periods and styles of architecture, spanning from pre-history where mainly stone and timber were used to the 20th century where glass and steel seem to have seemed to take over. Each style and period have given there own part to today’s architecture such as the Greek’s ideas of columns, to the Roman’s usage of arches, to the Industrial Age of building with iron, steel and glass. When buildings and structures were first constructed there was very little interior space and there was much more emphasis on exterior space, such an example is that of the Greek and Roman architecture. The reason that there was more emphasis on one then another was simply because of the technology and techniques that was available at the time and the limited amount of ideas and unders... ...these styles have there own elements and also share some elements. Today both of these styles can both be seen in use today. The round arch and barrel vault are still used and stained glass and flying buttresses are still used today. To be able to look around the world today and see the buildings and structures that were built during the Romanesque and Gothic period of architecture is amazing. During those periods the advancements that were made would allow their buildings and structures to last hundreds of years. To be able to go to Europe and see the same buildings and structure that were seen over hundreds of years ago is unbelievable. Even though there have been great advancements in architecture over the years the basic of much of today’s architecture goes back to the Romanesque and Gothic period and other periods of architecture. It was from the great ideas of these periods that the great ideas of the present come. The courage and ingenuity of the people of the past helps the people of today challenge what they can do and pushes them to strive further. So with what was done before makes what is done today possible and helps to push the ideas and concepts into the future.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Fredrick Jackson Turner Essay

Fredrick Jackson Turner was an American Historian who examined the unique characteristics that defined American Culture.   Turner was a well educated man receiving his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1884 and his Masters Degree in 1888.   He continued his education at John Hopkins University and received a PhD in history.   He taught most of his professional life at the University of Wisconsin and then Harvard in 1910.   Rise of the West, and Significance of Sections in American History for which he received the Pulitzer Prize have become standards in the study of American History.    He is most well known for his â€Å"Frontier Thesis† which he developed in 1893.   Shortly, after the United States Census Bureau in 1890 declared the American Frontier officially closed, Jackson’s interest was peaked and he set out to study and analyze America’s relationship with it’s own frontier.   In   1893 he publicly spoke about this thesis in Chicago at the World’s Columbian Exposition. He stated â€Å"Up to our own day American history has been in a large degree the history of the colonization of the Great West.†Ã‚   In 1921, Fredrick Jackson Turner published a full length text titled The Frontier in American History.   In it he explores his thesis which stated â€Å"The existence of an area of free land, its continuous recession, and the advance of American settlement westward, explain American development† (Turner 1)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Turner’s fascination with the frontier and probably   his inspiration for studying and understanding the importance of the American Frontier in American History stems back to his childhood.   He grew up in in Portage, Wisconsin.   His backyard bumped right against the meeting of two bodies of water – Fox River and Wisconsin River.   The small town had many characteristics that would have been found in frontier town.   When he describes his childhood he tells of the Native American teepees where he fished as a boy.   Native Americans were often in   town to sell various pieces of craft and jewelry to the local stores.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To understand America and its culture it was extremely important to understand the frontier and America’s connection to it.   Turner believed that the frontier â€Å"Americanized Americansâ€Å".   This Americanization lasted close to 300 years, starting at the colonization of the New England coast and continuing until the west was completely settled.   The free land offered in the west, the frontier, was a safety net which offered property ownership opportunities to people who traditionally could no afford to own anything.   In the text of The Frontier of American History, he comments â€Å"†So long as free land exists, the opportunity for a competency exists, and economic power secures political power† (Turner 32). Discontent and poverty revolts were almost unheard in those 300 years.   He argues that the frontier produces and shapes a particular type of man who is full â€Å"of coarseness and strength†¦acuteness and inquisitiveness, (of) that practical and inventive turn of mind†¦(full of) restless and nervous energy†¦ that buoyancy and exuberance which comes with freedom.†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Turner 37).   Turner’s believed that the western movement was the main factor contributing to the basis of American’s institutions and culture.   Conditions of living and conquering the wilderness permanently altered the European settlers of the New England coastline to a new national breed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Turner goes on to compare the American Frontier to Europe.   In explaining their similarities, he states† What   the Mediterranean Sea was to   the Greeks, breaking   the bonds of custom,   offering new experiences, calling out new institutions and activities,   the   Ã‚  ever-retreating   frontier has been to   the United States directlyâ€Å" (Turner 38).   Turner continues to explain that to   the while Europe had it’s own frontiers, it effected them â€Å"more remotelyâ€Å". Turner believed that the frontier shaped the American character and the closing of the Western Frontier signified the United States graduating from it’s initial development into something much more mature. Turner summaries by commenting â€Å" four centuries from   the discovery   of America, at   the end of a hundred years of life under   the Constitution,   the   frontier has gone, and with its going has closed   the first period of   Ã‚  American   history† (Turner 38).   In The Frontier of American History, while he writes about America as an example he gives a detailed general explanation that he believes could be used in understanding other nation’s cultural growth patterns.   Fredrick Turner believes that the growth and settlement is the first period of progress in any nation’s development.   This expansion is followed by followed by periods of social and economic development.   Each of which is frontier all it’s own.   Turner explains with an example: Stand at Cumberland Gap and watch the procession of civilization, marching single file–the buffalo following the trail to the salt springs, the Indian, the fur-trader and hunter, the cattle-raiser, the pioneer farmer–and the frontier has passed by. Stand at South Pass in the Rockies a century later and see the same procession with wider intervals between (Turner 12)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   He believed that the American West created the first truly free man.   The European Frontier was nothing more than people recreating Old World values and deferring to authority.   The frontier in America had no law, no authority, and men lived by their wits.   America thinks of it’s frontier as being within the country not at the edge.   There is no line which separates the frontier from settled land.   America’s frontier is transient and terrestrial.  Ã‚   However, the European frontier is fixed, and completely permanent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Turner’s research and thesis contrasted strikingly with his historic contemporaries who believed that America was based on Europe.   And it was the European historical legacy brought over with the colonists that gave America it’s uniqueness.   Fredrick Turner believed that the American Frontier and the surrounding experiences should be respected and spoke about of with dignity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Of course there are several flaws in his thesis.   He failed to speak about the effect of the American Frontier on women and minorities.   Turner’s theory was deemed ethnocentric and nationalistic.   His premise also showed a large separation between rural American and the future urban or city culture.  Ã‚   Another problem with his safety net proposal is that it is not true for anything after the Civil War.   In the slavery ridden South many blacks sought refuge in the frontier before the Civil War.   However, after the Civl War, the poverty stricken south it was impossible for people to have enough money for transportation, and setting up homesteads in the West. It is important to note that Turner’s Frontier Thesis goes head to head with the theory that slavery was the defining factor in American history.   The government actually gave away more free land after the official closing of the American Frontier than in all the years preceding 1890.   Turner’s thesis and research were not, at the time of it’s original, publication embraced.    Much of that coldness he received from his peers was due to his blunt, forceful nature and writing style.   When he spoke about his â€Å"Frontier Thesis†, he commanded his fellow historians to turn their mindset from European history to the American West.   He comments often that American Historians ‘had it all wrong’ and he was right.   His aggressive preaching may have turned other researchers off to even considering his thesis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fredrick Jackson Turner does a good job of fleshing out his thesis.   I do agree that the American Frontier had a huge effect on defining what America is and who Americans are.   I do think that Turner’s â€Å"Frontier Thesis† has it’s problems which I stated above.   I think it is important to point out that understanding the birth of truly American Ideals you must look at several different theories developed by various Historians.   I agree with the points that Fredrick Turner makes.   Especially concerning how settlers of the frontier needed to be self sufficient and self governing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Regardless, if historians agree with Turner or agree to disagree the impact of his â€Å"Frontier Thesis, is indisputable.   He introduced the idea that daily events of regular people make up history – that is it is true history.   He nurtured and detailed his belief that the physical land can be a major factor in defining and shaping a culture, particularly the American Culture.   Fredrick Jackson Turner breathed life into the American Western landscape,   letting the Frontier transform from a mere setting to a powerful tool in chiseling the America’s historical and cultural legacy.   Bibliography Hutton, T.R.C. â€Å"Beating a Dead Horse?: The Continuing Presence of Frederick Jackson Turner in Environmental and Western History.† International Social Science Review (2002): 47+. Questia. 10 Dec. 2005 . Ritchie, Robert C., and Paul Andrew Hutton, eds. Frontier and Region: Essays in Honor of Martin Ridge. 1st ed. San Marino, CA: Huntington Library Press, 1997. Questia. 10 Dec. 2005 . Turner, Frederick Jackson. The Frontier in American History. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1921. Questia. 10 Dec. 2005 . White, Richard, and Richard White. â€Å"Chapter Ten When Frederick Jackson TurnerAnd Buffalo Bill Cody BothPlayed Chicago in 1893.†Ã‚   Frontier and Region: Essays in Honor of Martin Ridge. Ed. Robert C. Ritchie and Paul Andrew Hutton. 1st ed. San Marino, CA: Huntington Library Press, 1997. 201-211. Questia. 10 Dec. 2005 .

Saturday, November 9, 2019

How to Celebrate Chinese New Years Day

How to Celebrate Chinese New Year's Day Chinese New Year is the most important and, at 15 days, the longest holiday in China. Chinese New Year begins on the first day of the lunar calendar, so it is also called Lunar New Year, and it is considered the beginning of spring, so it is also called Spring Festival. After ringing in the New Year on New Years Eve, revelers spend the first day of the Chinese New Year doing a variety of activities. Wear New Clothes Every member of the family starts the New Year off right with new clothes. From head to toe, all clothes and accessories worn on New Year’s Day should be brand new. Some families still wear traditional Chinese clothing like qipao but many families now wear regular, Western-style clothing like dresses, skirts, pants, and shirts on Chinese New Year’s Day. Many opt to wear lucky red underwear. Worship Ancestors The first stop of the day is the temple to worship ancestors and welcome the New Year. Families bring offerings of food such as fruit, dates, and candied peanuts and burn sticks of incense and stacks of paper money. Give Red Envelopes Family and friends distribute ç ´â€¦Ã¥Å'…, (hà ³ngbÄ o, red envelopes) filled with money. Married couples give red envelopes to unmarried adults and kids. Children especially look forward to receiving red envelopes which are given in lieu of gifts. Play Mahjong Mahjong (é º »Ã¥ °â€¡, m jing) is a fast-paced, four-player game played throughout the year but particularly during Chinese New Year. Learn all about mahjong  and how to play. Launch Fireworks Starting at midnight New Year’s Eve and continuing throughout the day, fireworks of all shapes and sizes are lit and launched. The tradition began with the legend of Nian, a ferocious monster that was afraid of red and loud noises. It is believed the noisy fireworks scared the monster. Now, it is believed the more fireworks and noise there are, the more luck there will be in the New Year. Avoid Taboos There are many superstitions surrounding Chinese New Year. The following activities are avoided by most Chinese on Chinese New Year’s Day: Breaking dishes bring bad luckGetting rid of trash sweeping away good fortuneScolding children signs of bad luckCrying signs of bad luckSaying inauspicious words signs of bad luckSweeping the floor bring bad luckWashing hair bring bad luck

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to Trace Your U.S. Military Ancestors

How to Trace Your U.S. Military Ancestors Nearly every generation of Americans has known war. From the early colonists, to the men and women currently serving in Americas armed forces, most of us can claim at least one relative or ancestor who has served our country in the military. Even if you have never heard of military veterans in your family tree, try a bit of research and you might be surprised! Determine if your ancestor served in the military The first step in searching for the military records of an ancestor is to determine when and where the soldier served, as well as their military branch, rank and/or unit. Clues to an ancestors military service may be found in the following records: Family storiesPhotographsCensus recordsNewspaper clippingsJournals, diaries correspondenceDeath records obituariesLocal historiesGrave markers Look for military records Military records often provide an abundance of genealogical material about our ancestors. Once you have determined that an individual served in the military, there are a variety of military records which can help to document their service, and provide useful information about your military ancestors such as birthplace, age at enlistment, occupation, and names of immediate family members. The primary types of military records include: Military service records Enlisted men who served in the regular Army throughout our countrys history, as well as discharged and deceased veterans of all services during the 20th century, can be researched through military service records. These records are primarily available through the National Archives and the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC). Unfortunately, a disastrous fire at the NPRC on July 12, 1973, about 80 percent of the records of veterans discharged from the Army between November, 1912 and January, 1960, and about 75 percent for individuals discharged from the Air Force between September, 1947 and January, 1964, alphabetically through Hubbard, James E. These destroyed records were one of a kind and had not been duplicated or microfilmed prior to the fire. Compiled military service records Most of the records of the American Army and Navy in the custody of the War Department were destroyed by fire in 1800 and 1814. In an effort to reconstruct these lost records, a project was begun in 1894 to collect military documents from a variety of sources. The Compiled Military Service Record, as these collected records have come to be called, is an envelope (sometimes referred to as a jacket) containing abstracts of an individuals service records including such items as muster rolls, rank rolls, hospital records, prison records, enlistment and discharge documents, and payrolls. These compiled military service records are primarily available for veterans of the American Revolution, War of 1812, and the Civil War. Pension records or veterans claims The National Archives has pension applications and records of pension payments for veterans, their widows, and other heirs. The pension records  are based on service in the armed forces of the United States between 1775 and 1916. Application files often contain supporting documents such as discharge papers, affidavits, depositions of witnesses, narratives of events during service, marriage certificates, birth records, death certificates, pages from family bibles, and other supporting papers. Pension files usually provide the most genealogical information for researchers.More: Where to Find Union Pension Records | Confederate Pension Records Draft registration records More than twenty-four million men born between 1873 and 1900 registered in one of three World War I drafts. These draft registrations cards may contain such information as name, birth date and place, occupation, dependents, nearest relative, physical description, and country of allegiance of an alien. The original WWI draft registration cards are at the National Archives, Southeast Region, in East Point, Georgia. A mandatory draft registration was also conducted for WWII, but the majority of WWII draft registration records are still protected by privacy laws. The fourth registration (often called the old mans registration), for men born between April 28, 1877 and February 16, 1897, is currently available to the public. Other selected WWII draft records may also be available.More: Where to Find WWI Draft Registration Records | WWII Draft Registration Records Bounty land records A land bounty is a grant of land from a government as a reward to citizens for the risks and hardships they endured in the service of their country, usually in a military related capacity. At the national level, these bounty land claims are based on wartime service between 1775 and 3 March 1855. If your ancestor served in the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, early Indian Wars, or the Mexican War, a search of bounty land warrant application files may be worthwhile. Documents found in these records are similar to those in pension files.More: Where to Find Bounty Land Warrants The two main repositories for records relating to military service are the National Archives and the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC), with the earliest records dating from the Revolutionary War. Some military records may also be found in state or regional archives and libraries. The National Archives Building, Washington, D.C., holds records relating to: Volunteer enlisted men and officers whose military service was performed during an emergency and whose service was considered to be in the federal interest, 1775 to 1902Regular Army enlisted personnel, 1789–October 31, 1912Regular Army officers, 1789–June 30, 1917 li]U.S. Navy enlisted personnel, 1798–1885US Navy officers, 1798–1902US Marine Corps enlisted personnel, 1798–1904Some US Marine Corps officers, 1798–1895Those who served in predecessor agencies to the US Coast Guard (i.e., the Revenue Cutter Service [Revenue Marine], the Life-Saving Service, and the Lighthouse Service, 1791–1919) The National Personnel Records Center, St. Louis, Missouri, holds military personnel files of US Army officers separated after June 30, 1917, and enlisted personnel separated after October 31, 1912US Air Force officers and enlisted personnel separated after September 1947US Navy officers separated after 1902 and enlisted personnel separated after 1885US Marine Corps officers separated after 1895 and enlisted personnel separated after 1904US Coast Guard officers separated after 1928 and enlisted personnel separated after 1914; civilian employees of Coast Guard predecessor agencies such as Revenue Cutter Service, Lifesaving Service, and Lighthouse Service, 1864–1919 The National Archives - Southeast Region, Atlanta, Georgia, holds draft registration records for World War I To have the National Archives staff search these records for you, get a World War I Registration Card Request form by sending an email to, or contacting: National Archives - Southeast Region5780 Jonesboro RoadMorrow, Georgia 30260(770)

Monday, November 4, 2019

Operations Management & Quantitative Techniques Research Paper

Operations Management & Quantitative Techniques - Research Paper Example Realco has not overpromised, actually they have under promised as the amounts carried forward keep accumulating as the week’s progress. This has the risk of loss as unnecessary stock may be in store for unexplained reasons. What Realco should do is to update the numbers of the promised orders so that the remaining inventory number can at least go down for the sake of savings in terms of costs. With increased orders, again the revenue of the company may also increase drastically. Jack’s approach to order promising is the Capable to Promise (CTP) approach whose function includes capacity constraint issues in the calculation and hence it can be integrated together with the production scheduling, manufacturing as well as transfer and purchase planning. In our case, it is integrated together with production brought forward, production and the remaining inventory and its model is based upon the model that is chosen from the capacity-scheduling engine. The program has the adva ntage of having the ability of responding to â€Å"what if† scenarios. He program is able to make calculations of inventory and no bound orders through a calculation of the earliest dates when such items can be available, or when they can be transferred from another place. The main disadvantages are that the system is quite lean and hence slow when it comes to making order promising. It also leads to the accumulation of inventory which may be detrimental to the organization in terms of foreseeable losses hence should be avoided. The program is quite separate from the order promising system calling for unification for smooth operations (Connelly & Hoel, 2010). Formal master scheduling technique will be applicable due to its nature of creating stability and responsiveness. It would therefore improve the process through enhanced clarity by way of organization and reporting of relationships within the company. It will also aid in understanding of the product, which bread, the man ufacturing and purchase process as well as planning and control. It brings with it a formal job description that brings along details of responsibility and performance measurements. Finally, the formal master scheduler has the ability of promptly responding to feedbacks through identification of areas where it influences material or capacity availability (Fraser, Murphy & Bunting, 2003). The organizational changes, which will be required to ensure this system comes in include; the establishment of performance measures and the proactive use of root-cause analysis to identify areas, which require improvements. There will also be a change in the policies, processes and procedures for the sake of modernizing the systems. Following on question 2, is neither worse nor good, this is because refusing customers orders upfront has the impact of chasing away the customer upfront and no business is ready to lose a client since they are what makes it

Saturday, November 2, 2019

University registration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

University registration - Essay Example I have always maintained the virtues of open mindedness, enthusiasm and liveliness to achieve this objective (Stewart, 2009). I intend to improve my understanding of language with the intention of improving my suitability in the academic and economic field. I believe that pursuing additional education will place me at a suitable pedestal to improve my career and contribute to the growth of the society. Additionally, I intend to conduct research on the challenges within the education field that touch on literature and the probable control measures. Indeed, developing new theoretical foundations attributable on literature encourages me to pursue the educational process. I have particularly focused on European poetry and the philosophies of charity while studying. It is fundamental to acknowledge that European poetry has provided opportunities to study the historical chronology and drama of ancient Europe. I did realize that the French literature should not be divorced from history because it exemplifies societal events. I took the initiative to trace and explore the genesis and ways of the ancient Europe about the French literature. I have visited various charity organizations that are affiliated to Europe and Africa to study and familiarize myself with the role of language when dispensing charity (Stewart, 2009). I appreciate that I can correspond and interact with people drawn from diverse backgrounds and cultures. This is attributable to my knowledge of English and Arabic languages. Through this, I get the opportunity to learn about their political, social, literary and historical differences. Work processes have proved challenging though they empower me with diversity skills and allow me to comprehend diverse processes. I am looking forward to visiting several regions and interacting with diverse persons to strengthen my grasp of Arabic (Stewart, 2009). My role in several organizations has been instrumental in improving my communication skills